Thursday 28 February 2013

Do I think God is real?

This is a subject I often wonder: where my faith stands. I know I'm in a catholic school, but there just doesn't seem like there is enough evidence to convince me there is a God. I do things like pray, and I used to go to church every now and again, but I just don't know if I can put faith into something nobody's even seen. This past year I went the summer camp Dallas Valley, and when a counsellor was asked what even wanted to do when he got out of university, he responded with "well, I'll see what God wants me to do". That is just too much to put in the hands of a spiritual being in which you don't know the existence of. However, I do respect the people that do believe in God and follow their faith. That takes courage. I do not have very strong faith, but I do believe there is a greater being out there that our minds can't comprehend

Tuesday 26 February 2013

What I think of social so far

I had heard lots about Mr. Vendermin from other classmates who had him in semester one, so I was rather eager to see what his class was like, and I'm happy to say that I was not let down. Social is hands down my favourite class of the day. Some of my classes I may walk into thinking "well, I don't know where this could go", but social is the one I walk into knowing that the class won't suck. Not only is the learning substance great, but Mr. Vendermin makes the class what it it is. He's a teacher who cares about his students and listens to you when you talk. Mr. Vendermin is a fun teacher, and definatly is worth listening to.